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Lola Audu: Intercultural Real Estate

28 Jun

The Oxford Dictionary recently added “Mx” to their lexicon. Are you familiar with what it means?

29 Sep

Cultural Detective Blog

A_TransGender-Symbol_Plain3_with_background-color_FFD9BF Transgender symbol image ©ParaDox, used under Wikimedia Commons license

Growing up in the USA in the 1950s, as I did, it was “clearly understood” that there were two genders: boys and girls. So it never crossed my mind until I was much older that perhaps the binary world of gender was not so binary. And if one allows—even intellectually—for that possibility, you can begin to see how difficult daily life can be for transgender people, individuals who do not identify with the gender to which they were assigned at birth.

The more one thinks about it, the more complex being transgender becomes. Take a seemingly simple thing like filling out a standardized form: what do you do if you aren’t Miss, Mrs., Ms., or Mr.? This is the dilemma that opens Jacob Tobia’srecent piece in The Guardian, which I highly recommend. He writes of the difficulties of not…

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19 Jan

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